To convert hectopascals (hPa) to millimeters of mercury (mmHg), the conversion factor is as follows: Conversion Factor:
- 1 hectopascal (hPa) = 0.750063755419211 millimeters of mercury (mmHg)
Conversion Formula
To convert a value from hPa to mmHg, you can use the formula:
mmHg=hPa×0.750063755419211\text{mmHg}=\text{hPa}\times 0.750063755419211mmHg=hPa×0.750063755419211
Example Calculation
If you want to convert 100 hPa to mmHg:
mmHg=100 hPa×0.750063755419211≈75.0063755419211 mmHg\text{mmHg}=100,\text{hPa}\times 0.750063755419211\approx 75.0063755419211,\text{mmHg}mmHg=100hPa×0.750063755419211≈75.0063755419211mmHg
This means that 100 hPa is approximately equal to 75.01 mmHg. For practical conversions:
- 1 hPa ≈ 0.75 mmHg